السبت، 1 يناير 2011

Mobile use in the process of learning mathematics

  And divided into two parts:
A.      Learning mathematics is straightforward:
This is done through the presence of students for classes directly through the video where any student to attend taught directly in any place in the time specified for the share and that it needs the equipment, tools and special programs for that can be done now using the Internet as is the case with computers and this is done Using digital cameras and microphones are in the classroom and connected to the Internet where students can receive lesson on the network and can also be a lesson using the direct voice contact between the teacher and the learner.
B.      Learning of mathematics indirectly:
This is done by the photographer to see the lesson in advance, either in the form of sequential segments or in the form of sound or image and sound together, and this step is characterized by the possibility of re-explanation and seen more than once, but lack of classroom interaction.

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